EnsoView transforms your PDFs into a consistent experience for your users.

Same PDFs which you love. No changes required.

Make the switch to a better experience without changing a thing.

Multiple viewing modes

Viewing experience is tailored based on user's preference.

Consistent end user experience

Enjoy a uniform experience, no matter the device.

Measure what matters most

Gain a competitive edge by turning PDFs into valuable business intelligence

Analytics like a website

Track and collect events related to user interactions and behavior on your PDFs making it possible to gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and patterns. Used to improve the user experience and drive better results.

Increased Engagement

Connect with your audience in a whole new way by integrating taking them to specific page, chat and marketing tools directly within your PDFs. This creates new opportunities for engagement and allows you to build stronger relationships with your users.

Lead Conversion with Session Gating

Drive lead conversion with gating after few pages. By requiring users to provide their details to access certain content within your PDFs, you can capture lead data and use it to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

Document Search Analysis

Improve user experience and drive better results with our document search analytics tool. By tracking user search trends and understanding their needs, you can create content that resonates with your users and drives conversions.

Faster and Secure experience

Accelerate PDF performance and protect user data with our technology, which includes PDF linearisation, CDN and full control over your documents.

Funnel reports

Track user engagement with our funnel reports. Understand which pages are most engaging, what links users are following, and where they may be dropping off. This information will help you optimise your PDFs for maximum user engagement and better results.

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